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Assessment and Program Review

Assessment for Student Learning


Saint Paul College engages in a variety of assessment initiatives at our campus that are part of our commitment to excellent teaching and effective learning. Faculty and staff outline plans for collecting information to document student learning and to reflect and improve learning at the course, discipline, program, department, and college levels.


评估将学生的表现与具体的学习成果联系起来. Assessing student learning helps to provide a more detailed picture of what students are learning that is not always reflected in grades, completion rates, 或者其他用户粘性数据,如使用率或满意度. It allows faculty and staff to adjust and improve based on detailed information and to observe trends on student learning over time.

Formative and Summative Feedback

Within a course, you can use Formative Assessments 及时反馈学生的表现,以帮助他们完成课程/活动. How can they improve going forward? At the end of a course, Summative Assessments to measure student achievement. 他们是否达到了学习成果中规定的目标??


我们对学生学习的质量评估从定义学生的学习成果开始. We have built a strong foundation for this work by graduating from the HLC Assessment Academy in the Summer of 2021.

mg电子试玩app的所有课程都有明确的课程学习成果, 所有的项目都有明确的项目学习成果, 大学定义了大学的学习成果. In addition, we define, collect, and analyze co-curricular learning outcomes to help inform our student services and institutional practices.

To achieve this, faculty and staff create a variety of assessment plans including Signature Assignments within a discipline, Program Assessment Plans, 联合课程评估计划和大学学习成果评估的共享标准. Programs and Disciplines include an analysis of these assessments in their annual and comprehensive program reviews. The Academic Effectiveness and Innovation team provide support and resources for assessment including crafting classroom assessments and rubrics.

College Learning Outcomes


The current College Learning Outcomes (CLOs) and associated rubrics were finalized in 2018-2019 as a result of the College’s Assessment Academy project. 最后的五个clo是由教员审查和修订的, based on feedback, 并于2018年秋季获得学院共同治理和学术事务与标准委员会的批准. The associated rubrics were developed using information collected through all faculty exercises at the Fall 2018 in-service, and associated rubrics were reviewed and revised by faculty through multiple feedback loops and test pilots. 最终规则于2019年春季由学院共同治理批准.


College Learning Outcomes allow us to represent our success and reflect on opportunities for our students and for our institution. They allow us to reflect on the quality of our institution as a whole and offer insights as we strive for improvement. The College Learning Outcomes also assess the outcomes of our general education courses and provide information on how students are meeting outcomes of our broadest associate of arts degree.


教师们制定了评估大学学习成果的标准. 以下是当前五项大学学习成果和相关指南的链接. Once data is collected it is documented in SPOL and can be used as part of our institutional and program reviews.

How do I Assess in SPOL?


Saint Paul College is committed to improving student learning through assessment and evaluation of student learning at the co-curricular, course, program, and college levels. AEI provides resources for faculty and staff as we continue to strengthen the College’s culture of assessment.

The tool we use to record and track our assessment of student learning as well as our budgeting and planning goals is here:

SPOL (Strategic Planning Online)


Having a database like SPOL lets us link various assessment measures to classes and keep track of assessments over time. The database is used as a resource for both documenting the work done by students as well as comparing assessment data over time. It allows us to aggregate data from different class assessments and map them to a program learning outcome, or to a college learning outcome.


We offer a variety of guides and tutorials for using SPOL.  如果你在SPOL找不到你的课, 或者某些东西没有显示正确的信息.

Co-Curricular Assessment


课外学习成果(CCLOs)被定义为知识, skills, 学生应该在课堂之外的经历中学习这些能力. As a result of multiple retreats, consultation, collaborative meetings, and research on best practices, members from numerous Student Affairs areas developed a strong foundation of five shared CCLOs in 2018-2019.

Co-Curricular Learning Outcomes (CCLOs)



Community Involvement


Critical Thinking


Goal Setting

Students will be able to reach their goals.

Navigating Processes


Co-Curricular Assessment Continued


学生学习可以发生在高等教育机构的各个角落. Gaining a better understanding of the learning that occurs outside of the classroom informs and guides improvements to individual student services and programming. Co-curricular assessment also fosters collaboration opportunities across the institution that are grounded in the student voice, student perspective, and overall student experience.  


Each academic year, student services and other co-curricular areas execute their co-curricular assessment plans utilizing a variety of assessment methods that include rubrics, surveys, and quizzes. 在收集了秋季和春季学期的学习成果评估数据后, results are evaluated to drive improvements. 教职员工可以访问更多信息, tools, 员工门户网站上的资源和存档报告.

mg电子试玩app还共同创立并领导了 明尼苏达州立系统联合课程评估实践共同体. Since Summer 2018, 这个协作网络通过提供资源而迅速发展, professional development, 以及全州的合作机会.

Employee Portal



mg电子试玩app回应学生的需求, and as it responds to community needs, changes are made to programs and courses. All curricular changes, 从课程水平到项目和学院水平, are discussed, approved, 并在学术事务标准委员会(AASC)备案. AEI为所有这些领域的课程开发提供支持.


AASC provides faculty with a chance to propose changes to a broad audience that discusses and approves any changes. Keeping a centralized location for all changes allows the college to keep track of updates and maintain records and catalogs. 这个过程还允许跨部门和整个学院进行激烈的辩论和讨论.


AEI supports the college in navigating the processes and documentation needed to make curriculum changes. On the curriculum development page, you can find forms for program modification, new program proposals, program closures, course modification, new course proposals, and course retirements. 你也可以找到有关学术事务标准委员会会议日期的信息, agendas, and minutes.

Academic Program Review


Program Review provides a systematic process for faculty to gather and analyze both program and assessment of student learning data to guide meaningful improvements to teaching and learning. 项目评审的结果用于项目和机构的规划和预算编制.

Faculty conduct a Comprehensive Program Review every three years with annual monitoring reviews during the years in between. 项目审查过程包括在审查周期的所有阶段对教师的综合支持.

学术效率和创新部提供支持. 除了授予诸如副学士学位之类的奖项之外, certificates and diplomas, Program Review also applies to courses within a discipline or area of study that do not conclude with an award, but instead, 支持或帮助学生完成学业.


The goals of Program Review are to:

  • Provide an institutional process that guides systematic program review and continuous program development for student success.
  • 针对需要改进的领域制定具体的行动计划
  • 反思该项目如何满足学院的愿景和使命.
  • Discuss how a program reflects our commitment to becoming an Anti-Racist and Trauma Informed Institution.
  • 提供一个系统的过程来讨论计划的成就、挑战和需要.
  • 告知机构的年度计划流程和年度优先事项的确定.
  • 使项目优先级与学院和项目级别的年度计划和预算保持一致.
  • 提供机会与同事就项目的优势进行对话, opportunities, and future planning.
  • 为地区和专业项目认证要求做出贡献.


Faculty can use Program Review Templates 开始收集信息并记录成功的过程, challenges, and opportunities. The yearly timeline 是跟踪评估周期和项目审查的好地方吗. Institutional Research provides access to interactive data dashboards 它包含了关于学生成功和项目成功的详细数据和信息. 每个项目都需要每年完成一次项目审查. 每三年对项目进行一次全面审查.


Key Resources

学院的学生服务部门提供关键资源, 对学生成功不可或缺的服务和规划. 通过获取有关部门目标和计划的信息, highlights of strengths and accomplishments, measurements of progress, strategic planning alignment, challenges faced, and resource requests each year, 这些领域的主管记录对学生成功的影响,并分享他们部门的故事.

Reports and Work Plans

AEI与战略规划和效率总监合作 , Student Services Directors, the Dean of Student Success, and the AVP of Enrollment Management and Student Success to provide guidance and feedback throughout the process. 教职员工可以访问更多信息, templates, 并在员工门户网站上存档报告和工作计划